Highly Recommended By - C.L. Lowry Published - November 4, 2018 Synopsis Christopher “Cashflow” King is the son of one of the most successful drug dealers ever to walk the streets of Atlanta. After his father’s death, Cash followed in his father’s footsteps and started the Street Kings. The Street Kings began as a small crew of friends and grew into a powerful drug empire. Things are going great for Cash until a member of the Street Kings decides to take the crew’s mission on a risky path. Their dreams quickly become a nightmare as the leaders of the Street Kings become the F.B.I.’s main priority. As Cash tries to keep his organization from crumbling at the hands of treason, he must also do what he can to beat a possible life sentence. King of the Streets is a gritty and addictive street tale that will have readers yearning for more. My Review Ladies and gentlemen, I must say C.L. Lowry has done it yet again. Not only did he write a completely different styled b...
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